the more sex a man has the more fertile he becomes
A study by Australian researchers of men attending a fertility clinic has revealed that the genetic defects in their sperm fell substantially after they were encouraged to have sex each day.
It seems around a fifth of men have sperm with significant DNA damage.
Sperm which are genetically damaged can reduce the chances of a sperm fertilising an egg, and can also lead to the formation of an embryo that fails to implant properly or is miscarried.
Tests taken after three days of sexual abstinence revealed 30.8% genetic damage in the men's sperm.
The men were then told to engage in sexual activity daily for a week and were tested again.
While tests showed that their sperm counts fell by nearly one third, genetic damage also fell, on average by 12.8%, in 37 of the men.
Dr. Greening says he believes the longer sperm are held in the tube that leads from the testicles, the more genetic damage they accumulate from free radicals circulating in the body
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