Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nutritional Approach to Atherosclerosis

Sure you could buy their product, but thats not y i clipped, its pretty good and thorgher information. Nice and alternative. Even has a eating plan, which is really just eating healthy!
clipped from
Nutritional Approach to Atherosclerosis

The risk for the free radical-induced endothelial (arterial) injury has been strongly correlated with low nutritional status of the body (Mol Cell Biochem 1992 111;41-7).
detergent-like action in the circulatory systemen - enabling the body to gradually and safely wash the atherosclerotic artery-clogging deposits away.

There is no one "miracle" ingredient in Arterial Cleansing Formula. It is a complex orthomolecular specialty formulation providing a comprehensive support for the entire circulatory system.

It Has All Natural Ingredients

Gentle Exercise For Arterial Health

Diet Therapy for Arterial Health

Eating Plan for Improved Arterial Health

Control Atherosclerosis Risk Factors

If you really want to improve your health - and control atherosclerosis - you should not miss out on this presentation!

 blog it

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