Sunday, November 25, 2007

Keeping your teeth clean could help prevent a heart attack, claim doctors

clipped from

Brushing and flossing your teeth could save you from a heart attack, claim experts.

Doctors found those with the worst blockages in their arteries had the most severe gum disease.

There is mounting evidence of a link between gum disease and heart disease, but a study claims to be the first to show that the severity of each disease may also be connected.

Chronic gum disease is called periodontitis, which occurs when waste material or plaque collects around the teeth and irritates the gums. Plaque is removed when teeth are looked after properly.
It is not clear how gum disease may trigger heart problems, although it is thought that bacteria released from the infected gums are the key.
The bacteria enter the bloodstream where they may activate the immune system, making artery walls inflamed and narrowed, or attach directly to fatty deposits already present in the arteries which causes further narrowing.
"The most severe teeth disease was associated with the most widespread arterial lesions,"
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