Wednesday, November 28, 2007

CT Scans May Cause Cancer

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In a few decades, as many as 2% of all cancers in the United States might be due to radiation from CT scans given now, according to the authors of the report.
Since previous studies suggest that a third of all diagnostic tests are unnecessary, that means that 20 million adults and more than 1 million children getting CT scans are needlessly being put at risk, Brenner and Hall write.
Ultrasound and MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, scans often are safer options that do not expose people to radiation, they contend.
Millions of Americans, especially children, are needlessly getting dangerous radiation from "super X-rays" that raise the risk of cancer and are increasingly used to diagnose medical problems, a new report warns.
Some experts say that estimate is overly alarming. But they agree with the need to curb these tests particularly in children, who are more susceptible to radiation and more likely to develop cancer from it.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cold virus turns nasty

Cases of pneumonia caused by a novel adenovirus strain called Ad14 started to appear in 2005. Now the US Centers for Disease Control reports that, in four unrelated outbreaks across the US in the past 18 months, Ad14 has caused severe pneumonia in at least 140 people, including babies and healthy young adults, and killed 10 of them. There may well have been many more cases, since doctors rarely test for adenovirus.
The exception is military doctors, as for reasons unknown adenovirus is especially common among recruits in training camps.
The US military used to vaccinate against two strains of adenovirus, but stopped in 1999
Adenovirus infections subsequently soared on US bases and previously uncommon strains have emerged, including, for the first time in the western hemisphere, Ad14.
A nasty new strain of adenovirus - which usually only causes mild colds and other infections - has been linked to outbreaks of severe pneumonia.
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Sleep, Food, Exercise, and Weight

There are more and more articles linking poor quality sleep with weight gain and vice versa.
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High-Fat Diet Can Disrupt Body's Clock
Like a midnight raid on the fridge for junk food -- sleep often suffers, study says

TUESDAY, Nov. 6 (HealthDay News) -- There's more bad news about a high-fat diet -- it disrupts the body's 24-hour internal (circadian) clock, which regulates sleeping, waking, eating, as well as the daily rhythms of many metabolic functions, U.S. researchers say.

The team also found that a high-fat diet caused changes in genes that encode the circadian clock in the brain and in peripheral tissues (such as fat), resulting in reduced expression of these genes.

"The answer is, yes; alterations in feeding affect timing. We found that as an animal on a high-fat diet gains weight, it eats at the inappropriate time for its sleep/wake cycle -- all of the excess calories are consumed when the animal should be resting. For a human, that would be like raiding the refrigerator in the middle of the night and binging on junk food," Bass said.

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Tonsil removal benefits questioned

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Removing the tonsils of children with mild or moderate throat infections is more expensive and has fewer health benefits than simply watching and waiting, Dutch researchers said on Monday
In a study involving 300 children aged 2-8 advised to have their tonsils out, those who avoided surgery had fewer annual visits to doctors
Tonsils are masses of tissue at the back of the throat. "Surgery resulted in a significant increase in costs without realising relevant clinical benefit," Erik Buskens, an epidemiologist, wrote in wrote in the Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
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Monday, November 26, 2007

Sex In Abstinence II - Orgasmic Joy Without Coitus

Evolved humans, even teens, can honor and deeply enjoy their lovers safely.
Fire in the Valley - Female Genital Massage

Now the most comprehensive female genital massage in the world is available for your home study. This course teaches you a profound way to both give and receive love. In this DVD you will learn over thirty different massage strokes on the vulva to wake up passion, to integrate past traumas, and to communicate love.
Dr. Annie Sprinkle says, "For twenty five years I've been researching female sexuality. I've taken and taught many trainings and worked with the world's top sex experts. However, my best source of information has come from experimenting with my own body. The lessons you will learn in this DVD have produced the most powerful, deeply satisfying results of anything I have yet discovered."
Fire on the Mountain - Male Genital Massage

In this instructional DVD, Joseph Kramer Ph.D. teaches the joys of giving and receiving a Taoist Erotic Massage, a form of erotic touch that often leads to a spiritual and transformative full-bodied orgasm.
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Green Tea--Beats Avandia for Diabetes, and No Deadly Side Effects

A compound in green tea, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), works as well in moderately diabetic mice as GlaxoSmithKline’s diabetes drug Avandia, according to researchers from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute.
In the study, 5-week-old moderately diabetic and severely diabetic mice were fed EGCG or given Avandia. After five and 10 weeks of treatment, the blood sugar and insulin levels of the mice were tested.
Moderately diabetic mice did just as well on the green tea extract as they did on Severely diabetic mice did not benefit as much fromAvandia. EGCG.
Researchers said the EGCG, though less potent than Avandia, “exerted changes that were similarly beneficial.”
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
However, it’s since come out that Avandia causes a 43 percent higher risk of heart attack, and possibly death.
These are hefty risks for a drug designed to treat a disease that is virtually 100 percent curable with SIMPLE lifestyle changes (more on these later).
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Nuclear desaster in 1957

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Windscale piles
The Windscale piles provided material for nuclear weapons

The radioactive fallout from a nuclear accident that rocked Britain 50 years ago was underestimated, scientists say.

In 1957, a fire at the Windscale nuclear reactor in Cumbria led to a release of radioactive material that spread across the UK and Europe.
But new research claims the incident generated twice as much radioactive material and caused dozens more cancers than was previously thought.
Windscale piles
The Windscale piles provided material for nuclear weapons


Graphite overheated and fire broke out

Air from fan fuelled fire

Nuclear contaminants travelled up chimney

Filter blocked some but not all contaminated material

Radioactive cloud spread over UK and Europe

Map of radioactive contamination spread
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Caution: Killing Germs May Be Hazardous To Your Health

We'd do well to start listening to this!
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Our war on microbes has toughened them. Now, new science tells us we should embrace bacteria.
Behold yourself, for a moment, as an organism. A trillion cells stuck together, arrayed into tissues and organs and harnessed by your DNA to the elemental goals of survival and propagation. But is that all? An electron microscope would reveal that you are teeming with other life-forms. Any part of your body that comes into contact with the outside world—your skin, mouth, nose and (especially) digestive tract—is home to bacteria, fungi and protozoa that outnumber the cells you call your own by 10, or perhaps a hundred, to one.
Their ancestors began colonizing you the moment you came into the world, inches from the least sanitary part of your mother's body, and their descendants will have their final feast on your corpse, and join you in death.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cannabis and Breast Cancer?

Can Cannabis Combat Breast Cancer?

According to a group of American scientists, cannabidiol (CBD), a compound found in the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, may be useful as a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer. Earlier studies have found that CBD, which inhibits the activity of a gene that leads tumors to metastasize, curtails the growth of aggressive brain cancers. CBD does not have any psychoactive properties, so its use would not violate drug laws. Researchers are hopeful that this compound will lead to a viable treatment for metastatic forms of breast cancer while avoiding the unpleasant side-effects associated with chemotherapy. More on the subject...
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brain food

Lack of carbohydrates will starve the brain. The main food of the brain is glucose that comes from carbohydrates. But there are other things that feed the brain: fruit; vegetables; poultry without the skin (lean meat); dried beans (legumes, peanuts); walnuts and almonds; fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, shellfish); and fish-oil capsules.

Fight depression by eating more fish. Moods are directly influenced by fish oil. Studies have shown that if you have a diet rich in fish, chances are your serotonin levels are high as well. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone released by the brain.

People with low serotonin levels suffer from depression. They are at great risk of committing suicide and may engage in impulsive behavior leading to acts of criminality.

Women in general tend to have lower serotonin levels than men, thus, they are more prone to depression. Note: The serotonin level drops some more during the menstrual cycle.

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14 Foods that Lower Cholesterol

After reviewing my research on healthy foods and cholesterol from this year I came up with the top 14 Foods that Lower Cholesterol.

  • 1. Whole grains and oats - a five-year Insulin Resistance Athersclerosis Study showed that people whose diets contain the most whole grains “had the thinnest carotid artery walls and showed the slowest progression in artery wall thickness.”
  • 2. Blueberries - a compound in blueberries (pterostilbene) may help lower cholesterol as effectively as commercial drugs with fewer side effects.
  • 3. Pistachios, 4. Walnuts, and 5. Almonds - a Penn State study showed that eating pistachios significantly lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed eating walnuts after a high-fat meal might protect your heart. Omega-3 fats and antioxidants in nuts work to reverse the arterial damage caused by saturated fats.
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    Keeping your teeth clean could help prevent a heart attack, claim doctors

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    Brushing and flossing your teeth could save you from a heart attack, claim experts.

    Doctors found those with the worst blockages in their arteries had the most severe gum disease.

    There is mounting evidence of a link between gum disease and heart disease, but a study claims to be the first to show that the severity of each disease may also be connected.

    Chronic gum disease is called periodontitis, which occurs when waste material or plaque collects around the teeth and irritates the gums. Plaque is removed when teeth are looked after properly.
    It is not clear how gum disease may trigger heart problems, although it is thought that bacteria released from the infected gums are the key.
    The bacteria enter the bloodstream where they may activate the immune system, making artery walls inflamed and narrowed, or attach directly to fatty deposits already present in the arteries which causes further narrowing.
    "The most severe teeth disease was associated with the most widespread arterial lesions,"
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    (I have just started using one of these and they are cool )

    1. Rebounding provides an increased G-force (gravitational load), which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems.

    2. Rebounding protects the joints from the chronic fatigue and impact delivered by exercising on hard surfaces.

    3. Rebounding helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio.

    4. Rebounding aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system.

    5. Rebounding circulates more oxygen to the tissues.

    6. Rebounding establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.

    7. Rebounding increases capacity for respiration.

    8. Rebounding tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.

    9. Rebounding lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.

    10. Rebounding assists in the rehabilitation of a heart problem.

    See full
    study of the human body is fairly interesting. The moment it becomes
    no less than amazing is when we understand what happens as the body
    is placed under the demands of movement and resistance we call exercise.
    Rebounding is an effective exercise that reduces your body fat;
    firms your arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, and hips; increases your
    agility; strengthens your muscles overall; provides an aerobic effect
    for your cardiopulmonary systems; rejuvenates your body when it's
    tired, and generally puts you in a state of mental and physical
    wellness. In fact, there are at least 33 fascinating ways the body
    responds to regular rebounding, detailed below:
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    prevent arterial plaque

    What can you do to prevent arterial plaque and coronary heart disease naturally

    There are many things you can do to prevent arterial plaque naturally, which coincidently using natural treatments have many more benefits.
    Reduce fat in your diet
    Eat no more then 4 egg yolks per week
    Eliminate fried foods
    Eat vegetables and complex carbohydrates
    lose weight if you are overweight
    Snack on low fat healthy foods severl times per day
    Eat a higher ammount of nuts
    Infact by just eating 3 ounces of walnuts per day can reduce your cholestrol by 10%
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    Nutritional Approach to Atherosclerosis

    Sure you could buy their product, but thats not y i clipped, its pretty good and thorgher information. Nice and alternative. Even has a eating plan, which is really just eating healthy!
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    Nutritional Approach to Atherosclerosis

    The risk for the free radical-induced endothelial (arterial) injury has been strongly correlated with low nutritional status of the body (Mol Cell Biochem 1992 111;41-7).
    detergent-like action in the circulatory systemen - enabling the body to gradually and safely wash the atherosclerotic artery-clogging deposits away.

    There is no one "miracle" ingredient in Arterial Cleansing Formula. It is a complex orthomolecular specialty formulation providing a comprehensive support for the entire circulatory system.

    It Has All Natural Ingredients

    Gentle Exercise For Arterial Health

    Diet Therapy for Arterial Health

    Eating Plan for Improved Arterial Health

    Control Atherosclerosis Risk Factors

    If you really want to improve your health - and control atherosclerosis - you should not miss out on this presentation!

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    Long-term pill users risk more arterial plaque

    The message is to cut other risk factors like smoking, eating more healthily, exercising more and lowering cholesterol. This is an old message, but more and more heart disease can be prevented if some of the causes are eliminated. Perhaps on a priority basis. As always the best preventative measures, are exercise and a healthy diet.
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    Women who use the contraceptive pill for years risk a build-up of plaque in their arteries, according to a study released this week.
    contraceptive pills
    While the European study suggests long-term pill users may therefore be at increased risk of heart attack or stroke, the researchers say their findings are no need for alarm.
    "Bottom line - don't discontinue your pill suddenly. Don't panic. Don't call your gynaecologist tomorrow morning," says lead researcher Dr Ernst Rietzschel of Ghent University in Belgium, whose team presented the results at an American Heart Association meeting this week.
    Rietzschel's team studied 1301 women aged 35-55. Of these, 81% had used the pill for an average 13 years.
    The researchers measured plaque levels using a technique called vascular echography.
    They saw a rise of 20-30% in arterial plaque in two big arteries - the carotid in the neck and the femoral in the leg - for each decade of use.
    the findings need to be factored
    for women deciding whether to take the pill
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    Thursday, November 22, 2007

    Babies social skills

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    Kiley Hamlin and colleagues at Yale University devised experiments to test whether babies aged six and 10 months were able to evaluate the behaviour of others. They used wooden toys of different shapes that were designed to appeal to babies.
    The babies were sat on their parents' laps and shown a display representing a character trying to climb a hill.
    The climbing character, which had eyes to make it human-like, was either knocked down the hill by an unhelpful character (a toy of a different shape and colour) or pushed up the hill by a helper cartoon figure (another shape and colour).

    After watching the "puppet show" several times, each baby was presented with the helper and hinderer toys and asked to pick one.

    Humans engage in social evaluation far earlier in development than previously thought

    Yale researchers

    All of the 12 six-month-old babies tested and 14 of the 16 10-month-olds reached out to touch the helper character rather than the anti-social one.
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