Thursday, February 28, 2008

Seven steps to prevent cancer


Two-thirds of cancer deaths can be prevented by healthy lifestyle choices. The American Cancer Society suggests seven choices:

Cut out tobacco
Hold the fat
Opt for high-fiber fruits, vegetables and grains.
Intake of alcohol: only in moderation.
Call your doctor for regular checkups
Exercise every day
Safeguard your skin from the sun.

SOURCE: American Cancer Society
clipped from
Seven Steps To Take To Prevent Cancer
CUT OUT TOBACCO. Smoking is the No. 1 cause of preventable cancer death.
HOLD THE FAT. Studies show a low-fat diet reduces your risk for cancer of the colon, breast and prostate.
LIMIT ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION. There is mounting evidence that heavy alcohol use can increase your risk for cancer of the mouth, larynx, and esophagus.
  • EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. A recent study found that people who eat many fruits and vegetables every day have a lower cancer risk than those who eat just one serving, or none at all.
  • CALL YOUR DOCTOR. Many cancers begin their deadly growth long before symptoms become obvious.
    EXERCISE REGULARLY. A strong, fit body has a better chance of warding off many forms of cancer. Obesity has been linked to cancer of the breast, ovaries, cervix, colon and prostate.
    PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE SUN. The last choice is one of the easiest. About 90 percent of the skin cancers diagnosed each year could be prevented by proper use of sun protection.
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