Friday, February 29, 2008

Cholesterol's Benefits. Huh???

In these days of drug mania, where pill popping cures anything from a limp male organ to hair loss. Big Pharma is pumping out the pretty colored gems as fast as the doctors can write out their illegible prescriptions. The money pours across the palms of the execs in media to brainwash the gullibles into believing they need at least 50 pills a day to stay alive and active. Case in point, a local doctor who resides in a rural town thinks nothing of threatening a patient with a "IF YOU DON'T TAKE THIS MEDICATION I AM PRESCRIBING, I WILL CALL YOUR INSURER AND TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE DELIBERATELY RISKING YOUR HEALTH AND THEY WILL DROP YOU!" Sounds a bit bizarre doesn't it? Well, it really happened. This particular health care provider, prescribes anti-cholesterol drugs like it's going out of style. No Joke! Now studies are proving that we need some cholesterol in our systems, it's enough to make you want to ban Big Pharma's drugs and all the sycophants who do their bidding.
Cholesterol Has Benefits, Too

style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">alt="cholesterol, milk, eggs, cheese, butter"
align=right>Cholesterol may not be all bad, and may in fact have some benefits,
according to a new study from researchers at Texas A&M University.

The study involved 55 men and women between the ages of 60 and 69 who
exercised three days a week for 12 weeks.

A significant association was
found between dietary cholesterol and change in strength. It was found that
lower cholesterol levels reduced muscle gain that occurred with exercise, while
those with higher cholesterol intake also had the highest gains in muscle

“Our findings show that the restricting of cholesterol -- while
in the process of exercising -- appears to affect building muscle mass in a
negative manner,” the researchers said.

They suggested that the effect
may be due to cholesterol’s role in the inflammation process. More cholesterol
in your blood may lead to a greater inflammatory response that is useful for
building muscles.
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