There is little doubt that certain of these lipoproteins pose dangers, but whether cholesterol itself is a critical factor is a question that the Vytorin trial has most definitely raised. It’s a question that needs to be acknowledged and addressed if we’re going to make any more headway in preventing heart disease |
Friday, February 29, 2008
What's Cholesterol Got To Do With It?
Cholesterol's Benefits. Huh???

Cholesterol drugs will devitalize muscles.
For more information watch these videos.
Diabetic Cooking: Healthy Cooking Choices For Those With Diabetes
Depression can be Good for You
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Aussie researchers discover motor neurone disease gene
Seven steps to prevent cancer
Two-thirds of cancer deaths can be prevented by healthy lifestyle choices. The American Cancer Society suggests seven choices:
Cut out tobacco
Hold the fat
Opt for high-fiber fruits, vegetables and grains.
Intake of alcohol: only in moderation.
Call your doctor for regular checkups
Exercise every day
Safeguard your skin from the sun.
SOURCE: American Cancer Society
CUT OUT TOBACCO. Smoking is the No. 1 cause of preventable cancer death. HOLD THE FAT. Studies show a low-fat diet reduces your risk for cancer of the colon, breast and prostate. LIMIT ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION. There is mounting evidence that heavy alcohol use can increase your risk for cancer of the mouth, larynx, and esophagus.
CALL YOUR DOCTOR. Many cancers begin their deadly growth long before symptoms become obvious. EXERCISE REGULARLY. A strong, fit body has a better chance of warding off many forms of cancer. Obesity has been linked to cancer of the breast, ovaries, cervix, colon and prostate. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE SUN. The last choice is one of the easiest. About 90 percent of the skin cancers diagnosed each year could be prevented by proper use of sun protection. |
Male yeast infection
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Light Side Of MS
Although the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) is often blamed on genetics, there are significant geographic variations in MS frequency, which suggests strong environmental factors may be at play. One such factor is sunlight exposure and vitamin D. MS is rare in Asia, the tropics and the sub-tropics, and strong correlations exist between MS, location, and duration and intensity of sunlight. In short, sunlight exposure has been linked to a reduced risk of MS, and vitamin D deficiency (caused by a lack of sun exposure) has been suggested as a cause of MS.
vitamin D supplementation, at levels higher than are currently recommended may help to reduce the risk of MS. |
Chronic Pain Hurts our Brains
![]() The means by which persistent or chronic pain affects an individual’s ability to live a ‘normal’ life has been clarified by investigators at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.
This is the first demonstration of brain disturbances in chronic pain patients not directly related to the sensation of pain. |
Hidden data 'shows antidepressants hyped'
"The difference in improvement between patients taking placebos and patients taking antidepressants is not very great," says Professor Irving Kirsch of the University of Hull,
Weight Loss, Cure For Diabetes
Lasers detct Disease In Patient Breath
Monday, February 25, 2008
More evidence suggests a link to Lyme disease
Scary Things I Didn't Know About Lyme Disease
Through it all, Michael maintained to numerous doctors that he had been bitten by a tick shortly before becoming ill, and believed that he had an infection resulting from the bite. He was told by these doctors that he was in denial about ALS diagnosis and sent on his merry way to get on with the business of dying. Those of you who know Michael also know that bit of advice didn't sit too well with him. |
Antidepressant Drug Treatment For Preventing Recurrence In Depression
Does It Help To Continue Antidepressant Drug Treatment For Preventing Recurrence In Depression?
Maintenance antidepressant (AD) medication is the most commonly used preventive strategy in a highly recurrent disease, i.e. depression. Little is known about the discontinuation of maintenance AD use and the association with recurrence in daily clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to examine the discontinuation rate of maintenance AD in daily clinical practice in recurrently depressed patients and the associated risk of recurrence. Prospectively AD maintenance medication and recurrence were examined in 172 euthymic patients with recurrent depression. AD user profiles before recurrence (nonusers, intermittent users, continuous users) were examined and related to recurrence over a 2-year follow-up period. |
Hemorrhoids Treatment
HaemorrhoidsTreatmentCalm inflamed tissue immediately upon contact
HaemorrhoidsTreatmentRepair and accelerate healing of torn or damaged tissue
HaemorrhoidsTreatmentAct as a natural anesthetic to make bowel movements more comfortable
Hemorrhoids TreatmentLubricate the sensitive passage ways
Hemorrhoids TreatmentRestores normal blood flow to the rectal area
Hemorrhoids Treatment |
Friday, February 22, 2008
Daytime Dozing May Be Warning Sign Of Stroke

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Older people who have significant trouble staying awake during the day have more than four times the normal risk of having a stroke, U.S. researchers said on Thursday. They also found a higher risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems in seniors who regularly nod off during the day without planning to. "Even when we controlled for things like hypertension, diabetes, physical activity, obesity and socioeconomic status, we found that people who had significant daytime dozing were much more likely to end up with stroke," the risk of stroke was 2.6 times greater for those classified as doing "some dozing" during the day compared to those with "no dozing." Those in the "significant dozing" group had a 4.5 times greater risk. people with sleep apnea who briefly stop breathing throughout the night are at high risk of stroke. This can cause daytime sleepiness. |