Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ways to save money

clipped from

50 ways to save money

In the excellent Penny Pincher’s Book
seasoned savers John and Irma Mustoe share their innovative (and sometimes eccentric) tips:

4 Plant lettuce seeds. A 15g packet of seeds produces about 2,000 lettuces and costs about the same as a single lettuce in shops.

5 Cut your speed from 70mph to 60 mph for a petrol saving of about 15 per cent.

6 The bags inside cereal boxes are excellent for storing bread and for using in the freezer.

12 Keep sliced bread in the freezer. It thaws in seconds, so take out only what you need.

14 Toothpaste is not one of life’s necessities. Brush your teeth with bicarbonate of soda or half soda/half salt.

22 For a cheap mouthwash, use one tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water.

23 Honey is antiseptic. Spread a little over shaving nicks.

24 Aloe vera is a miracle plant. Keep one in the kitchen for breaking off a leaf and squeezing the juice onto burns or insect bites.

Sell clutter.
Change a 100W light bulb to a 60W
Egg white makes an excellent glue
can't clip them all, a lot more interesting tips there

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