Monday, July 9, 2007

Research shows Organic foof is Safer

clipped from
09-July-2007: Organic fruits and vegetables may be healthier than conventionally grown crops, US researchers say.
A 10-year study comparing organic tomatoes with standard tomatoes found that they had almost double the quantity of flavonoids, antioxidant compounds said to help prevent disease such as heart disease and cancer.
The new research could fuel further demand for organic fruits and vegetables which is already under strain in some parts of the world.
Many consumers already purchase organic foods because they believe the products to be better for them than those grown using pesticides. In recent months, other studies have found organic produce to contain higher levels of nutrients than their conventionally grown counterparts
“Fruit and vegetables like apples, oranges, carrots and potatoes are typical entry points for consumers buying organic products. Their fresh nature appeals to consumers seeking healthy and nutritious foods,” says a recent report.

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