Sunday, July 1, 2007

100-year-old: Hypnosis is the Key to Longevity

Thursday was like any other day for Chester "Chuck" Cook. But one thing was different. It was Cook's 100th birthday. When asked the secret to longevity, Cook doesn't hesitate.
"Hypnosis," he said confidently. it changed my life."
Cook's wife was dying at the time. After spending a few weeks in the hospital, he decided he would never get sick from worry again.
"I've been healthy ever since," he said with a smile. "I've trained my mind to think. I never let anything upset me." "I read a lot, and I think a lot," he said. "I have an extensive library of health books."
Cook says he always makes sure to get his eight hours of sleep, and he eats whatever
he wants. "It's easy," he said, when asked how he made it to the ripe, old age of 100. "You can do it, too."

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