Monday, July 30, 2007

Does Clipmarks have what it takes for the New Web

clipped from

Don Tapscott and Wikinomics

captures the essence of what it means, and will mean, to live in the so-called Web2.0 world, and provides a clear vision of the sorts of behaviours and thinking that will be required to succeed in this world - in business, in education.. in life.
  • reference made to the looming 'perfect storm' - a convergence of four forces:
    1. Technology
    2. Demographics
    3. Social
    4. Economic
  • Web2.0 is at the centre of the Technology 'storm' - where the object of interest is changing; from the desktop to smart, communicating devices, from HTML to XML, and from consuming to participation.
  • "Success in the old paradigm becomes intertia in the new one" - a great quote when considering why current leadership practices may not be preparing us for the future!
  • "Vested interests fight against change" - quotes the example of the music industry facing the issue of music downloads through social networks. Tapscott challenges them to think of music as a service rather than a product.
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