Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Holding Children Accoutable for their behaviour

clipped from news.yahoo.com

Mom makes daughter wear her offenses

Mon Jun 25, 8:55 PM ET

MEMPHIS, Tennessee - A Tennessee mother fed up with her daughter's misbehavior took an unusual tack in for latest punishment, making her stand on a busy street corner with an attention-getting sign.

Tashara Wilkins, 13, held a sign Sunday reading,

"I don't obey my parents, I'm a liar. I steal from my mom. I have a bad attitude."

"All other resources haven't worked, so I'm making her be publicly humiliated today," mother Cherie Wilkins told WMC-TV in Memphis. "I hope this works for her. I love my child. ... I could be beating her to death, but I'm not."

She said her daughter's bad attitude Sunday morning led to the public display.

Tashara said having to wear her offenses was eye-opening.

"It might even work," she said. "I'm gonna start (behaving better) because I don't want to be standing out here with everybody looking at me like I'm crazy with this sign."


Unknown said...

I think maybe it would take a LOT for me to do that- but
better to have the girl change her own mind. It gave her what she needed- a reason to do what is right. Isn't that the idea of our criminal justice system? So she got it early and might never have to write on a job application that she has committed a felony because she will think before she acts.


Unknown said...

Good gracious! That woman should have given her daughter a sign saying "HELP! MY MOM IS UNABLE TO EDUCATE ME."
Never blame your incompetence of being a mother to your child!


Unknown said...

Yes, and I believe it starts from...

"I hope this works for her. I love my child. ... I could be beating her to death, but I'm not."

How can she think never mind say that any type of beating of her daughter is acceptable or likely to work. Do parents forget that they were once teenagers too?

Does it highlight that retribution/humiliation works or not? Is the kid subdued or telling even more lies, biding her time.

Problem is, having 'worked' once, likely is the punishment will double or treble the next time! Then what? Leaving home? Suicide? And the parents are convinced they did everything right. Well it worked before, didn't it?
