Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Borrowing from Nature's best ideas

clipped from www.guardian.co.uk

From super-advanced glue to shimmering lipstick, the simplest living things are providing the inspiration for futuristic materials

 Gecko clinging to mussel shell

Gecko clinging to mussel shell

Forty-five million years ago an unfortunate fly got stuck in some tree sap and met a sticky end. Today the same fly is responsible for increasing energy efficiency in solar cells. By studying the fly's eye, scientists have developed a new kind of light-capturing material.

Meanwhile, over in Namibia, an unwitting desert beetle is helping farmers to irrigate their fields and airports to clear their runways of fog. When a fog rolls in across the Namib desert the beetle does a handstand and collects fog droplets on its specially adapted shell. The droplets dribble down into the beetle's mouth, providing it with a well-earned drink. By studying the structure of the beetle's shell scientists have developed a synthetic material that is also capable of mopping up fog.


Butterfly blusher

Fossil power

Putting viruses to good use

Morpho butterflies
Butterfly scales
Sagra beetle
Franziska Schenk artwork

Monday, July 30, 2007

Want to improve your Blogs PageRank..?

Want to improve your Blogs PageRank..?
Few tips to improve your Blogs PageRank, The first countermeasure is to increase internal linking throughout your site. That means when you write your new post, be sure to try and include a reference to an older article which is relevant to the one you just wrote. This should be common practice for you anyway, but it’s easily forgotten. Also, make use of tags, as tagging is an extremely easy way to increase internal linking. Make a habit of tagging all of your posts. This will help to bring visitors to your best and most recent articles, which has many benefits alone.


clipped from youtube.com
(Very rough edit due to YouTube's video size limit)

Homer Smokes Weed - KOWABUNGA!

clipped from scienceblogs.com
"Going cold turkey isn't as delicious as it sounds."

Pure Christian Rock....hmm....

clipped from russellsteapot.com
Home arrow Comics arrow Rod Squad II: Electric Bugaloo
Comic for Jan 22, 2007

The hope of Biofuel Beans

Poison plant could help to cure the planet

The jatropha bush seems an unlikely prize in the hunt for alternative energy, being an ugly, fast-growing and poisonous weed. Hitherto, its use to humanity has principally been as a remedy for constipation. Very soon, however, it may be powering your car.


The hardy jatropha, resilient to pests and resistant to drought, produces seeds with up to 40 per cent oil content. When the seeds are crushed, the resulting jatropha oil can be burnt in a standard diesel car, while the residue can also be processed into biomass to power electricity plants.

Volcano oozes lava into the ocean

Nice photo shot during lava moving was cause attraction among danger.The flame has been burn everything which it through.

Lava pictures
Lava pictures

Lava pictures
Lava pictures

Lava pictures
Lava pictures

Lava pictures
Lava pictures

Lava pictures
Lava pictures

Burst Volcano
Burst Volcano

Bome volcano
Bome volcano

Blast volcano
Blast volcano

Nice photo shot during lava moving was cause attraction among danger.The flame has been burn everything which it through.

Does Clipmarks have what it takes for the New Web

clipped from blog.core-ed.net

Don Tapscott and Wikinomics

captures the essence of what it means, and will mean, to live in the so-called Web2.0 world, and provides a clear vision of the sorts of behaviours and thinking that will be required to succeed in this world - in business, in education.. in life.
  • reference made to the looming 'perfect storm' - a convergence of four forces:
    1. Technology
    2. Demographics
    3. Social
    4. Economic
  • Web2.0 is at the centre of the Technology 'storm' - where the object of interest is changing; from the desktop to smart, communicating devices, from HTML to XML, and from consuming to participation.
  • "Success in the old paradigm becomes intertia in the new one" - a great quote when considering why current leadership practices may not be preparing us for the future!
  • "Vested interests fight against change" - quotes the example of the music industry facing the issue of music downloads through social networks. Tapscott challenges them to think of music as a service rather than a product.
  • Sunday, July 29, 2007

    Read Full Articles on The Wall Street Journal Without a Subscription

    clipped from labnol.blogspot.com

    wall street journal registration"The full WSJ.com article is only available to subscribers." You may often see this registration message when trying to access content published on The Wall Street Journal Online edition [unless you are lucky].

    You can read any subscriber-only articles published in the Wall Street Journal newspaper (online edition) if you have Firefox ( ) and an awesome extension called Firebug (that allows inline HTML editing).

    Following are the steps involved to bypass the WSJ yearly subscription wall:

    A Word of advice from dad

    Ye, and the whole world is paying for pa's moment of pleasure!

    Even he regrets that stolen moment. Da KNOWS what a disaster it has been. The dodo doesn't get it.
    My kingdom for a rubber!
    [Sorry folks, this moment of genuine mirth brought out the uncharitable aspect of my character that I normally have no problem with.}

    07-17-2007 1.06pm

    Saturday, July 28, 2007

    How to Make Firefox faster

    clipped from www.blazextreme.com
    Here's something for broadband people that will really speed Firefox up:

    1.Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:

    network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests

    Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

    2. Alter the entries as follows:

    Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

    Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

    Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.

    3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.

    Friday, July 27, 2007

    The Most Popular UTube Video Ever

    clipped from www.youtube.com

    The Most Popular YOUTUBE Video EVER


    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Titles of Monica Lewinsky’s future books

    I Wore What You Did Last Summer

    I Suck At My Job

    What Really Goes Down In The White House

    How I Blew It In Washington

    You Have to Work Hard to Find the Softer Side of the President

    Testing the Limits of the Gag Rule

    Going Back for Gore

    Podium Girl

    Secret Services to the President

    Harass is Not Two Words: The Story of Bill Clinton

    Deep Inside The Oval Office

    The Congressional Study on White House Intern Positions

    She’s Chief of MY Staff!

    Al Gore Is In Command For The Next 30 Minutes

    How To Beat Off the Government

    Going Down and Moving Up

    Members of the Presidential Cabinet

    Me and My Big Mouth

    Things Women Can't Do

    1. Know anything about a car except its color.

    2. Understand a film plot.

    3. Go 24 hours without sending a text message.

    4. Lift.

    5. Throw.

    6. Run.

    7. Park.

    8. Read a map.

    9. Rob a bank.

    10. Sit still.

    11. Tell a joke.

    12. Play snooker.

    13. Pay for dinner.

    14. Eat a kebab while walking.

    15. Argue without shouting.
    16. Get told off without crying.

    17. Understand fruit machines.

    18. Walk past a shoe shop.

    19. Make a decent bacon sandwich.

    20. Not comment on stranger's clothes.

    21. Use small amounts of toilet paper.

    22. Let you sleep with a hang over.

    23. Drink a pint gracefully.
    24. Get a round in.

    25. Throw a punch.

    26. Do magic.

    27. Like your friends.

    28. Eat a really hot curry.

    29. Get to the point.

    30. Buy plain envelopes.
    31. Take less than 20 minutes in the toilet.

    32. Sit in a room for 5 minutes without saying "I'm Cold".

    33. Go shopping without telephoning 20 friends.

    34. Avoid credit card debt.

    35. Dive into a pool.
    36. Assemble furniture.
    37. Set a video recorder.

    How to Reinstall Windows Without Losing Your Data

    clipped from pcworld.about.com
    How to Reinstall Windows Without Losing Your Data
    Over time, Windows loses stability. If you keep a computer for more than two years, at some point you're going to have to bite the bullet and reinstall Windows from scratch. But contrary to popular belief, you won't have to reformat your hard drive

    Poll of Poles against US shield plan. Majority against.

    clipped from www.reuters.com
    More than half of Poles oppose the location of part of a U.S. anti-missile shield on Polish soil, a poll showed on Tuesday, a day after the Polish president said the project was a foregone conclusion.

    Majority of Poles against U.S. shield plan: poll

    Tue Jul 17, 2007

    1 of 1Full Size

    Pollster CBOS said 55 percent of those surveyed opposed the anti-missile shield plans, while 28 percent had no objections.
    "Poland has agreed on the anti-missile shield location without negotiating," SLD deputy Jolanta Szymanek was quoted as saying by PAP news agency.
    The Polish parliament must approve the plan to host the missile interceptors before the project can go forward. Securing parliamentary approval could be difficult, however, as one of the ruling coalition's junior partners, the far-right League of Polish Families (LPR), opposes the shield plan.

    An opposition party, the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), has said the Polish government's tentative agreement to the project, without revealing what Poland would get in return, demonstrates "a disregard for public opinion and Parliament".

    Antarctica Time lapse: A Year on Ice

    clipped from www.youtube.com
    Time-lapse video filmed in Antarctica, in and around McMurdo Station and Scott Base.
    Each year the sun is below the horizon for 4 months in the middle of winter, and above the horizon for 4 months in summer. During the couple of months in between we have more-or-less normal days.
    Includes shots of auroras and the very rare polar stratospheric nacreous clouds, which form when ozone depleting gases crystallize in the upper atmosphere in the intense cold.
    Summer population is about 1200 people, winter about 200.

    Wednesday, July 25, 2007

    The Cure for Diabetes

    clipped from www.menshealth.com

    What if the American Heart Association endorsed the trans-fat diet? Problem, right? Look at what the American Diabetes Association is spoon-feeding people with diabetes: sugar. Not to worry: We've got the solution right here

    Walking Out Cured

    It's a wonder no one has tried to have Mary Vernon's medical license revoked.

    Since 1999, the 52-year-old family doctor has been treating diabetic patients in Lawrence, Kansas, with an approach that was abandoned by most physicians in the 1930s. Worse, this Depression-era remedy is the opposite of the current guidelines established by the American Diabetes Association, a nonprofit organization that spent nearly $51 million on research in 2005, and so should know a thing or two about how to handle diabetes.

    Logical Fallacies

    clipped from www.youtube.com