Friday, July 18, 2008

Yet Even MORE Good News Re Omega-3 Fish Oils

clipped from

Omega-3-Rich Fish Oils Reduce Weight Gain in Animal Study

A diet that contains fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help the body metabolize fat better and thereby gain less weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Kao Corporation in Tochigi, Japan, and published in the Journal of Nutrition.
Researchers took mice that had been bred with a predisposition to obesity and fed them a high-fat diet (containing 30 percent of its calories from fat) for five months. Half of the animals had this diet supplemented with 8 percent fish oil.
The mice whose diet had been supplemented with fish oil showed greater activity of several genes related to the metabolism of fats, including carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a, cytochrome P450 4A10, and malic enzyme.

The supplemented mice also showed greater activity of enzymes related to metabolism.
University of South Australia
found that overweight adults
reduced their fat mass by approximately 1.5 kilograms
omega-3 fatty acids
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