Thursday, July 3, 2008

How Meditation Affects Your Body

How Meditation Affects Your Body

It turns out peaceful thoughts really can influence our bodies, right down to the instructions we receive from our DNA, according to a new study.

took blood samples from a group of 19 people who habitually meditated or prayed for years, and 19 others who never meditated.
the meditating group suppressed more than twice the number of stress-related genes -- about 1,000 of them -- than the nonmeditating group.
Over long periods of time, these stress responses can worsen high blood pressure, pain syndromes and other conditions.

The nonmeditating group then spent 10 minutes a day for eight weeks training in relaxation techniques that involved repeating a prayer, thought, sound, phrase or movement.

What this does is to break the train of everyday thought -- you no longer have stressful thoughts and because of that the body is able to return to a healthy state
By the end of the training,
novice meditating group was also suppressing stress-related genes
at lower levels
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