Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thomas Ashe: Murder by FOOD!

A local school teacher's funeral.

He taught in Corduff, Lusk National School and lead by grand uncle in the one successful engagement at Ashbourne during the 1916 Rising.

Amplify’d from

The Funeral of Thomas Ashe

Thomas Ashe was an Irish Republican who died on Hunger Strike in 1917. His death was caused due to force feeding by prison authorities in the Mater Hospital, Dublin. At the inquest into his death, the jury condemned the staff at the prison for the "inhuman and dangerous operation performed on the prisoner, and other acts of unfeeling and barbaric conduct"

Ashe was a commander during the 1916 Easter Rising. He was one of the leading pipers at the funeral of O'Donovan Rossa in 1915.

His body lay in state in the hospital, dressed in his Volunteer Republican uniform, and 30,000 mourners filed past his coffin. He is buried in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin.

The music is from the movie Hunger about the death of Bobby Sands who died on hungerstrike in 1981


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