Friday, September 10, 2010

German 'State' is but a Manager with no power?!

Amplify’d from

The Federal Republic of Germany is a manager with no powers, since 1990, a financial manager GmbH

1st Germany since the end of the Second World War, not a sovereign state, but a militarily occupied territory of the Allied forces.
With effect from 12.09.1944, it was confiscated by the U.S. Hauptsiegermacht (SHAEF Law No. 52, Article I, § 1)

2nd The Federal Republic of Germany is and was never a state, neither de jure nor de facto recognition in international law at any time.

The Federal Republic of Germany is a manager with no powers, since 1990, a financial manager GmbH on behalf of the victorious allied powers. ...

In addition, contrary to the Federal Republic of Germany as a private financial manager GmbH with applicable regulations and the ALLIED FORCES Rights of 1947, which are still valid and does so for fraudulent agents.

No one may be in the Federal Republic of Germany without the approval of the military government operates as judge, prosecutor, notary or a lawyer!

Source and complete: Allied valid Gesetze.pdf


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