Friday, September 10, 2010

Exceptionally Valuable Human Rights Icon in Iran

Historians regard it as the world's first declaration of human rights and it is valued by people around the world as a symbol of tolerance and respect for different peoples and faiths.

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10 September 2010
Last updated at 15:00 GMT
The Cyrus Cylinder

Cyrus Cylinder loaned to Iran by British Museum

The British Museum has settled a dispute with Iran's national museum over the loan of ancient Persian treasure the Cyrus Cylinder.

In February, the museum in Tehran said it would cut all ties with its British counterpart in protest at a decision to delay an agreed loan of the artefact.

But officials in Tehran now say the 2,500-year-old cylinder has arrived "under special security".

The piece, discovered in Iraq in 1879, will be displayed for four months.

Persian king Cyrus ordered the cylinder to be made following the conquest of Babylon.


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