What is it with Zionists and images. First it was their mussads posing in the Dubai CCTVs as they assassinated; then the flotilla fiasco; the Knesset Muppet parading with the false Iranian passport; then they XXX starved Abergil Regrets: “Now I’m sorry that I served in such army”; now group orgies of mixed posing with bound-blindfolded Palestinian detainees.
- 17.08.10
'Facebook photos of soldiers posing with bound Palestinians are the norm'
Rights group Breaking the Silence refutes IDF claim that photos posted by female soldier under the heading 'the time of my life' are an anomaly.
Haaretz Service
IDF soldiers with a Palestinian detainee.
In a statement released Tuesday by Breaking the Silence, an organization that collects testimonies of Israeli soldiers on alleged abuse of Palestinians in the territories, the group said that while the IDF claimed to be "shocked" by Abergil's photos, it did not represent "the ugly behavior of just one person."
The statement released in a Facebook page called "The Norm that IDF Spokesman Avi Benayahu Denies," also included several graphic photos depicting soldiers posing next to the bodies of suspected militants as well as next to handcuffed detainees [viewer discretion is advised].
In the Facebook page, Breaking the Silence said that the norms the photos allegedly expose were the" necessary result of a long-term military control of a civilian population."
"We suggest that the IDF Spokesman not insult the intelligence of the Israeli public, and clarify that it is a widespread phenomenon, not an aberration caused by a single soldier," the statement said, adding that the enclosed photos were taken at several times during the last ten years and represented only a "preliminary batch."
Photographs uploaded by Eden Abergil released earlier this week and labeled "IDF – the best time of my life," sparked massive public outrage. The photos depicted Abergil smiling next to Palestinian prisoners with their hands bound and their eyes covered.
Read more at www.haaretz.com
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