Monday, June 30, 2008

"Good" Cholesterol May Protect Memory

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Middle-aged people with low levels of so-called good cholesterol may be at higher risk for memory decline that could foreshadow Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, European researchers said on Monday.

The study, involving about 3,700 British men and women, found that falling levels of high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, cholesterol were linked to declining memory by age 60. Such memory declines often precede the development of dementia such as Alzheimer's in the elderly.

Experts predict increasing numbers of people worldwide will develop Alzheimer's in the coming decades as populations in many countries grow older. Scientists are trying to identify risk factors that may appear years before the onset of dementia to help find ways to prevent or postpone it.

The researchers looked at blood cholesterol readings and the results of a simple memory test collected when the people in the study were on average 55 years old and then again when they were on average 60.

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Healthy Lifestyle Turns Off Genes That Cause Cancer

It's no secret that a healthy lifestyle can slow the progression of cancer, but how this happens has been a mystery. Now new evidence suggests an answer: dieting and exercise may turn crucial genes on and off.

In a pilot study involving 30 men with early-stage prostate cancer, Dean Ornish and colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco, US, tested the effects of a dramatic lifestyle change on gene expression in the prostate.

Biopsies taken before and after 3 months of healthy eating, moderate exercise, stress management and psychotherapy showed a significant change in the expression of hundreds of genes.

Many, including several genes involved in tumor formation, were down-regulated, or less active. Others, including some disease-fighting genes, were more active.

Long-term follow-up studies are needed to determine if these genetic changes can truly slow or prevent cancer, he says. "But it's a very important first step," he adds. "This will usher in a new wave of research."

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Muscle Myths and Fat Facts

If you are unclear about muscle and fat and how they relate, this is a good article to read. Anyone interested in "shaping up" should read this to gain a fundamental understanding.
Muscle Myths and Fat Facts
Body fat and muscle are two completely different tissues.
Body fat is completely related to calories, and the amount that we have is directly influenced by the number of calories consumed versus calories expended.
Muscle is very different from fat
Assuming you are eating a well-balanced diet, changes within your muscles are most influenced by the direct stresses that you place on each of them individually.
The key factor is that the muscle will only react if the stress placed on it exceeds the everyday stress it is accustomed to.

Quick Summary of Fat

  • Fat can not become muscle and muscle can not become fat.

  • Fat can only be reduced if the number of calories expended in a day exceeds the number of calories consumed in a day
  • Quick Summary of Muscle
    Weight training is the easiest way to control and monitor the changes in your muscle physiology.
    Unlike fat, each muscle can be specifically targeted, so you can choose the specific area you would like to improve.
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    Friday, June 27, 2008

    Health Benefits of Apples

  • Cholesterol
    In a study on moderately obese male and female subjects, polyphenols extracted from apples significantly decreased total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels. Apples are also high in pectin, a soluble fiber with the ability to lower cholesterol levels, and it has been demonstrated that an apple a day lowered cholesterol levels by up to 16 percent.
  • Dietary fiber
    The high fiber content of apples is also of great benefit to the bowels. A 5-ounce apple can supply the body with more than 3 grams of fiber, 10 percent of the daily-recommended intake. The fiber in apples will be beneficial for losing weight, and the fructose will help to stabilize blood sugar levels. Apple polyphenols have demonstrated the ability to regulate fat metabolism.
  • Heart disease
    The quercetin found in apples is associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease, and apple consumption has consistently been associated with reduced heart disease.
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    Is Hoodia a Safe and Effective Supplement?

    hoodia gordonii

  • In a trial of 24 morbidly obese people where all that they could do was to read, watch television, interact with each other, and of course eat. Half the participants were given Hoodia Gordonii, and the other half a placebo. After 15 days the Hoodia Gordonii group had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day, despite taking no exercise and not being on any kind of weight loss diet.

  • Whole Hoodia powder contains fiber, antioxidants, and the only reported active ingredient P57, an oxypregnane steroidal glycoside. Studies at Brown University Medical School have demonstrated P57 to be a hypothalamic ATP modulator, increasing the content of ATP by 50-150%. ATP is the molecule that stores the energy that we need for every action that we perform in life. P57 informs the brain that blood glucose levels are high, thus fooling the brain into thinking it’s full. P57 contains zero calories, yet is 10, 000 times more potent than sugar in suppressing appetite.

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    Zapping Away Migraine Pain

    A novel electronic device designed to "zap" away migraine pain before it starts has proven to be the next form of relief for those suffering from the debilitating disease, according to a study conducted at The Ohio State University Medical Center.
    The noninvasive transcranial magnetic stimulator (TMS) device interrupts the aura phase of the migraine, often described as electrical storms in the brain, before they lead to headaches.
    The TMS device sends a strong electric current through a metal coil, which creates an intense magnetic field for about one millisecond. This magnetic pulse, when held against a person's head, creates an electric current in the neurons of the brain, interrupting the aura before it results in a throbbing headache.
    Of the 164 patients involved in the multi-center, randomized clinical trial receiving TMS treatment, 39 percent were pain free at the two-hour post-treatment point, compared to 22 percent in the group receiving "sham" pulses.
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    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    Seniors with type 2 diabetes may experience memory declines immediately after eating unhealthy meal

    A good tip for those who have reached the age of wisdom.
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    Can be offset by taking antioxidant vitamins with meal, but healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is best defense

    Toronto, CANADA – Adults with type 2 diabetes who eat unhealthy, high-fat meals may experience memory declines immediately afterward, but this can be offset by taking antioxidant vitamins with the meal, according to new research from Baycrest.

    There is already growing evidence linking diabetes to cognitive complications in humans. Adults with type 2 diabetes are especially vulnerable to acute meal-induced memory deficits after eating unhealthy foods.

    This latest study, led by Baycrest and published in the July issue of Nutrition Research, suggests that taking high doses of antioxidant vitamins C and E with the meal may help minimize those memory slumps.

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    Controversial diet drug approved...

    tell me something new...
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    man standing on weighing scales

    An obesity drug has been approved for NHS use in England and Wales, despite links to an increased risk of depression and suicide.

    Rimonabant is already used by thousands of Britons, and, coupled with exercise, could help patients lose up to 10% of their body weight.

    Scotland and the US have not approved the drug amid safety concerns.

    However, an obesity specialist welcomed the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) ruling.

    Doctors have been told not to give it to patients with a history of major depression, and to be alert for new symptoms of depression in patients taking the drug.

    Patients will not be allowed to have the drug, whose brand name is Acomplia on the NHS unless they have tried and failed using alternative drugs such as orlistat.

    Evidence suggested one in 10 people might develop mental side-effects including low mood and depression, anxiety, irritability, nervousness and sleep disorders.

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    anaesthetics as pain boosters?

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    Anaesthetics 'could worsen pain'

    Some general anaesthetics could actually worsen the pain following surgery, say scientists.

    So-called "noxious" anaesthesia drugs - used commonly worldwide - stimulate nerves to cause irritation long after the operation is over.


    The drugs act on the same receptors on nerve cells which are activated by contact with other irritants, such as garlic, mustard or chilli.

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    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    A new study on eating disorders :Taking On the Thin Ideal

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    Taking On the Thin Ideal

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    A new study on eating disorders suggests prevention starts with getting girls to realize they've been duped

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    University of Texas have come up with to keep girls from developing eating
    According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and
    Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61%
    among Body Project participants.

    "This is a good start," says Dr. Walter Kaye, a board member of the National Eating Disorders Association. But Kaye cautions that eating disorders are much more complicated than researchers first thought. For starters, the disorders can't be blamed solely on environmental factors. Brain-scan studies show that the neural circuitry that normally responds to the pleasurable, rewarding aspects of eating doesn't seem to work in anorexics.

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    Study: Vitamin D Could Save Lives

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    Study: Vitamin D Could Save Lives

    New research linking low vitamin D levels with deaths from heart disease and
    other causes bolsters mounting evidence about the "sunshine" vitamin's role in
    good health.

    Patients with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D were about two times more
    likely to die from any cause during the next eight years than those with the
    highest levels, the study found. The link with heart-related deaths was
    particularly strong in those with low vitamin D levels.

    Low vitamin D levels could reflect age, lack of physical activity and other
    lifestyle factors that also affect health, said American Heart Association
    spokeswoman Alice Lichtenstein, director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition
    Laboratory at Tufts University.
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    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Another Clue

    We now have another clue to the cause of Alzheimer's disease, a form of beta-amyloid plaque.
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    WASHINGTON —  Researchers have uncovered a new clue to the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

    The brains of people with the memory-robbing form of dementia are cluttered with a plaque made up of beta-amyloid, a sticky protein. But there long has been a question whether this is a cause of the disease or a side effect. Also involved are tangles of a protein called tau; some scientists suspect this is the cause.

    Now, researchers have caused Alzheimer's symptoms in rats by injecting them with one particular form of beta-amyloid. Injections with other forms of beta-amyloid did not cause illness, which may explain why some people have beta-amyloid plaque in their brains but do not show disease symptoms.

    The findings by a team led by Dr. Ganesh M. Shankar and Dr. Dennis J. Selkoe of Harvard Medical School were reported in Sunday's online edition of the journal Nature Medicine.

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    Monday, June 23, 2008

    Health Benefits of Almonds

  • Dietary fiber
    Although almonds are high in calories, they are exceptionally high in nutrition. They are a rich source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, high in protein, potassium, magnesium and calcium, a good source of Vitamin E and Niacin, and an excellent source of fiber.
  • Weight loss
    There is some concern of weight gain from consumption of the fat content in almonds. A study of twenty women was conducted which demonstrated that ten weeks of daily almond consumption did not affect weight. In another 24-week trial, it was concluded that a low calorie diet supplemented with almonds was effective in a greater and more sustained loss of weight.
  • Smoking
    In another study involving 60 healthy male smokers and 30 healthy non-smokers, it was found that the antioxidant nutrients found in almonds could increase antioxidant defenses and reduce oxidative damage in smokers.
  • Cancer
    In preliminary studies, results suggest that almonds may be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer.
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    Failure To Bridle Inflammation Spurs Atherosclerosis

    When a person develops a sore or a boil, it erupts, drawing to it immune system cells that fight the infection. Then it resolves and flattens into the skin, often leaving behind a mark or a scar.

    A similar scenario plays out in the blood vessels. However, when there is a defect in the resolution response -- the ability of blood vessels to recover from inflammation -- atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries can result, said researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and Harvard Medical School in Boston in a report that appears online June 18 in The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. The major factor in this disease is a deficiency in the chemical signals that encourage resolution (pro-resolution signals). These signals are produced in the blood vessel where the inflammation occurs, the researchers said.

    Chronic inflammation of the artery wall can cause atherosclerosis, a major risk factor for heart disease and heart attack.
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    Health Benefits of Bananas


  • Nutrients
    Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and vitamin B6. They are a good source of vitamin C, riboflavin, magnesium, biotin and carbohydrates.

  • Blood pressure
    Bananas are high in potassium, an element important in the regulation of blood pressure.

  • Diarrhea
    The banana is an effective treatment for diarrhea, and in a study involving infants with persistent diarrhea, green banana and pectin improved small intestinal permeability and reduced fluid loss. Bananas are well known amongst travelers to third world countries for their anti-diarrhea properties.

  • Prebiotic
    Fructooligosaccharide is a prebiotic found in bananas and other foods. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon. These bacteria improve the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients.

  • Stomach ulcers
    Bananas have also been found to help eliminate bacteria in the stomach that cause stomach ulcers.

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    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    New research shows diet and exercise may change how genes act

    "These genes are the target of many new drugs that are being developed. Clearly, changing lifestyle is less expensive, and the only side-effects are good ones. Dr. Craig Venter’s pioneering research is showing that one way to change your genes is to synthesize new ones. Another may be to change your lifestyle."

    This research have a very small sample size so it doesn't prove much but I found it very interesting.

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    After their initial biopsy, we asked these men to make comprehensive lifestyle changes for three months.  These included a plant-based diet (predominant fruits, vegetables, legumes, soy products, and whole grains low in refined carbohydrates), moderate exercise (walking 30 minutes per day), stress management techniques (yoga-based stretching, breathing techniques, meditation, and guided imagery for one hour per day), and participating in a weekly one-hour support group. 
    After three months, we repeated the biopsy and looked at changes in normal tissue within the prostate.  We found that many disease-promoting genes (including those associated with cancer, heart disease, and inflammation) were downregulated or “turned off,” whereas protective, disease-preventing genes were upregulated or “turned on.” 
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    Friday, June 20, 2008

    Ageing muscle 'given new vigour'

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    Scientists have found a way to give old, tired muscles a new lease of life.
    Muscle cells
    They tweaked biochemical signals in mice to boost the ability of the animal's stem cells to repair damaged tissue, restoring its youthful vigour.
    The breakthrough raises hopes of new treatments for age-related degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
    The study, by the University of California, Berkeley, is published in the journal Nature.

    We are one step closer to having a point of intervention where we can rejuvenate the body's own stem cells so we don't have to suffer from some of the debilitating diseases associated with ageing

    Dr Morgan Carlson
    University of California, Berkeley

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    Thursday, June 19, 2008

    "High Fat Diet Linked to Poor Sleep"

    Brazilian researchers have found that the more fat you consume each day, the less likely you are to get a good night's sleep.

    Studies in the sleep lab showed that overall, the more fat they ate each day:

  • The more times they woke up, tossing and turning, throughout the night.
  • The greater the chance of abnormal breathing while sleeping.
  • The less time spent in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep each night. REM sleep is the sleep state during which dreaming occurs.
  • Research has shown that the more REM sleep you get, the more energetic you will feel the next day, says American Academy of Sleep Medicine spokesman Ron Kramer, MD.

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    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    Healthy lifestyle triggers genetic changes: study

    Freaking amazing!
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    Comprehensive lifestyle changes including a better diet and more exercise can lead not only to a better physique, but also to swift and dramatic changes at the genetic level, U.S. researchers said
    the researchers tracked 30 men with low-risk prostate cancer who decided against conventional medical treatment such as surgery and radiation or hormone therapy
    The men underwent three months of major lifestyle changes, including eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy products, moderate exercise such as walking for half an hour a day, and an hour of daily stress management methods such as meditation
    they lost weight, lowered their blood pressure and saw other health improvements. But the researchers found more profound changes when they compared prostate biopsies taken before and after the lifestyle changes
    After the three months, the men had changes in activity in about 500 genes -- including 48 that were turned on and 453 genes that were turned off
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