Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nature Insight on Proteomics

This Insight covers some of the most vibrant areas of research into the 'protein world', taking a journey from single protein dynamics to functional proteomics and drug discovery, through some of the latest technological developments in structural, cellular, evolutionary and computational biology.
clipped from

Proteins to proteomes

Proteins to Proteomes cover

Proteins are the most diverse and versatile set of biological macromolecules, having crucial roles in all biological processes. Now that researchers have identified whole complements of proteins (proteomes) for many cell types, they are pushing the frontiers of protein science: from the regulation and function of single protein dynamics to the evolution and inhibition of protein–protein interactions.

Proteins to proteomes
Dynamic personalities of proteins
The molecular sociology of the cell
The origin of protein interactions and allostery in colocalization
The biological impact of mass-spectrometry-based proteomics
Reaching for high-hanging fruit in drug discovery at protein–protein interfaces
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