Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Health 2.0 Website for Diabetics

Defining Health 2.0

As with Web 2.0, there is a lot of debate about the meaning of the term 'health 2.0'. According to the Health 2.0 conference blog, their definition "is currently focusing on user-generated aspects of Web2.0 within health care but not directly interacting with the mainstream health care system." This means things like search, communities, and tools. As yet Health 2.0 user-generated content has not been connnected to the wider health care system - which, according to the Health 2.0 conference organizers, hasn't even adopted Web 1.0 yet!



Health 2.0 Blogs


Social Networks

Tu Diabetes,
Facebook groups about Diabetes

Diabetes Web Apps

blog it

1 comment:

Unknown said...


If you are interested in more application and sites under the term "health 2.0" you are more than welcome to visit and publish our "medical 2.0 directory"

Also you can find more content in my blog :
medical 2.0

Uri Ginzburg MD MBA