Thursday, December 20, 2007


Fibromyalgia is not an autoimmune disease. Nevertheless, it can be just as disabling. It is associated with widespread or generalized muscle pain and profound fatigue for 6-10 million Americans.
Diagnosis is by a history of pain located in all four quadrants of the body for at least 3 months and the presence of at least 11 of 18 "tender points".

Fibromyalgia is strongly associated with stage 4 sleep deprivation caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system.
Fibromyalgia can co-exist with any disorder painful enough to disturb sleep quality, including positional cervical myelopathy.
Other illnesses such as thyroid disorders, cancer and neurological diseases can mimic Fibromyalgia. A thorough evaluation to determine the cause of pain is essential before your caregiver can begin to treat it effectively.
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