Saturday, October 13, 2007

Aussie scientists make diabetes breakthrough

clipped from

Australian researchers have pinpointed a key cause of type 2 diabetes, in a study they say has brought them closer to developing a simpler, more effective treatment for the disease.

The scientists at Sydney's Garvan Insititute say their discovery is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease, which affects about 7 per cent of Australia's population.

The team has identified an enzyme in diabetics as the active agent that blocks the production of insulin, which is a hormone that helps the pancreas convert blood-sugar into energy.

Current treatments try to control insulin levels but do not address the reasons why insulin production is failing.

But the team's leader, Trevor Biden, says the next step will be to work with pharmaceutical companies to develop a drug to block the enzyme, known as PKCepsilon, allowing cells in the pancreas to function normally.

Having level 2 diabetes has improved my lifestyle and eating habits so much that it has almost been a positive. I still live to eat as ( rather than eat to live); we have much more variety in our meals

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