Monday, January 21, 2008

Worrying about Health makes You Sick

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Worrying about your health is apt to make your health worse, finds a new study that reports highly anxious persons with heart disease face double the risk of heart attack or death than those with a more tranquil view of their medical condition.

While a diagnosis of heart disease naturally causes anxiety and stress, individuals who learn to cope and find internal calm markedly reduced their risk while individuals whose anxiety increased over time were in greatest peril.
“I’m convinced that spending time with the patient and the family and interacting with them as a caring human being is critically important to clinical outcomes.”
“The results of this study demonstrate that we may need to consider more thoroughly evaluating patients with mood disorders such as anxiety, as treatment may very well reduce the risk of heart disease.”
“My hunch is that for the majority of patients, the greatest anxiety-reducing effect comes from having a good relationship with a doctor,”
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Study explains how protein keeps hunger at bay

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Diets high in protein may be the best way to keep hunger in check, U.S. researchers said on Thursday in a study that offers insight into how diets work
They found that protein does the best job at keeping a hunger hormone in check, while carbohydrates and fats may well deserve their current nasty reputation
The study, which will appear in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, looked at the effectiveness of different nutrients at suppressing ghrelin, a hormone secreted by the stomach that stimulates appetite
They also found that eating carbohydrates resulted in a strong ghrelin suppression at first, but ghrelin levels rebounded with a vengeance, rising to an even higher level
Basically, the carbohydrates eventually made people even hungrier than before they had eaten
the findings may aid in future research on the effectiveness of different diets
And the study likely means that nightly bowl of ice cream is out. "That is a bad idea no matter what,"
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Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Nontoxic Antifreeze

There are probably a wide range of other applications of this new compound called gelatin hydrolysate, and it is all genetically modified ingredients.
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New Antifreeze Improves Ice Cream

By Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Staff Writer

A few sharp ice crystals ruin ice cream's silky texture, as all connoisseurs know. An edible, tasteless antifreeze may soon come to the rescue.

The non-toxic antifreeze, made from a gelatin protein, could be added to any frozen food to prevent unappetizing ice crystals from forming, without otherwise affecting the food itself.

The results of the study will be published in the Jan. 9 issue of The American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Previous attempts to make anti-freeze for frozen foods have not been very effective, Damodaran said. These products have relied on genetically-modified ingredients, mainly from Antarctic fish and other cold-climate species. This is the first antifreeze made from natural ingredients, the researcher said.
extracted gelatin protein from cow hide and used it to make a compound called gelatin hydrolysate.
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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Identical twins lead to leukaemia breakthrough

The twins have been crucial to the new research, as they are genetically identical but one has developed cancer whereas the other has not. The scientists found that the girls’ blood contains genetically abnormal cells known as pre-leukaemia cells. These were formed by a mutation known as translocation, in which two genes fuse to create an abnormal new one. This random event happened in a single cell in one of the twins while they were still in the womb. As the twins shared a placenta, the original mutant’s daughter cells populated the blood of both sisters.

The discovery will help doctors to monitor Isabella, and children like her, so that further genetic damage in her pre-leukaemia stem cells is caught early. By the time she is 14, her pre-leukaemic stem cells should have died naturally.

“Pre-leukaemia cells are still evident, so the sword of Damocles is still hanging there,” Dr Ancliff said. “Hopefully, we will see them disappear.” (Times)
Identical twin sisters have led British scientists to a breakthrough in leukaemia research that promises more effective therapies with fewer harmful side-effects

By comparing Olivia, who is in remission from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and her healthy sister, researchers have traced the tumour stem cells that drive the most common form of childhood cancer
The discovery will enable doctors to screen young leukaemia patients to establish the severity of their illness and spare some the harrowing side effects of aggressive chemotherapy

Olivia is a prime example of how hazardous this can be: although her treatment has been successful, it left her unable to fight off a chicken pox infection that blinded her in one eye

Chemotherapy has such harsh effects on children with leukaemia that between 1 and 2 % die

The stem-cell advance will also open new approaches to treating the disease
Another application could be preventive treatment for children like Isabella who are known to be at high risk
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

The 6 Most Unsettling Medication Side Effects

Most of them only happen to an infinitesimally small group of people, but they can still happen.
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article image

Alli is a weight-loss medication that prevents fat absorption.
Side effects may include ...
nothing major, mind you, just things like "gas with oily spotting."
a polite way of describing a fart that spackles your chair with a greasy stain of ass buckshot
Side effects may include ...
"an unusual urge to gamble or increased sexual urges and/or behaviors."

The fear of hair loss grips many a man
Side effects may include ...
means boobs
that can make milk
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acne treatments
Side effects may include ...

Side effects can include crying spells, rectal bleeding and bone fractures.
hepatitis, psychosis and hirsutism

Side effects may include...
a "persistent, painful erection."

This awful wood you're sporting also has the advantage of shooting blanks
"ejaculation failure"

Treating bacterial infections
Side effects may include ...

It can turn you into a vampire.
it can kill your ability to handle sunlight
called "phototoxicity,"
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Raise a Pint: Scientists Say Beer Has Essential Cancer-Fighting Agents

Researchers warn that it would take 60 regular beers to equal the amount of xanthohumol they were able to brew in one beer.

I still say "YAHHHH!!"
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German researchers have discovered that hops, the main ingredient in beer, contain essential cancer-fighting agents, according to a report in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Click here to read full story

Preliminary studies indicate xanthohumol, a compound found in hops, inhibits a family of enzymes which trigger cancer, as well as help the body detoxify carcinogens.

"It's very healthy," said Dr. Werner Back, a brewing technology expert at the Technical University of Munich. "I think the ingredients in the beer are very good."

Xanthohumol contains more powerful antioxidants than vitamin E and some studies indicate it helps reduce oxidation of bad cholesterol.

"Xanthohumol has been shown to be a very active substance against cancer," said Dr. Markus Herrmann, also of Munich. "It comes in small sticky beads, which you find within the hops."

But, don't start chugging down those beers just yet.

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Fish Oil May Be Helpful To Some And Harmful To Others

Isn't this a common story. It seems that we are all "crash test dummies", with the proliferation of drugs and herbal helpers.

ScienceDaily (Jan. 15, 2008)Fish oil supplements may help some cardiac patients while harming others, suggests a new review of evidence compiled by St. Michael's Hospital and University of Toronto researchers.

In a systematic review of trials where patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators used fish oil supplements, Dr. David Jenkins and Dr. Paul Dorian found significant differences among the trials, indicating fish oil may be beneficial to some patients while having a negative impact on others.

"Fish oils can have complex and varied effects on the heart," says Jenkins, a U of T Professor of Medicine who runs the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Centre at St. Michael's Hospital. "These effects include blocking cardiac ion channels, reducing fibrosis in response to mechanical stress, decreasing blood coagulation, and possibly altering immune function."

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dyslexia,a self compensating mental disorder

The topic took my attention because of the famous Dyslexic people....we are not very much aware of the strengths of dyslexia.There are many examples of Dyslexic people who were lacking in learning abilities but used their imagination to be a symbol of superiority....
These famous dyslexics proof that nurturing the dyslexic capabilities contributes to their own potential and happiness. In fact, they even contribute to a better world by using their abilities: Albert Einstein used his imagination to come up with relativity theory; Thomas Edison used his to invent; Walt Disney to entertain us; Winston Churchill to rally the British against Nazi Germany; Richard Branson and other entrepreneurs to create better products and services whilst creating employment in the process.
  • Artists & designers
  • Authors
  • Inventors & scientists
  • Leaders & politicians
  • Movie industry
  • Others
  • yslexia is
    a syndrome of many and varied symptoms affecting over 40 million American
    children and adults. Many with dyslexia and related learning and attention
    disorders realize quite early that they are not like their peers. Their
    learning and coordination or klutzy difficulties often lead to ridicule
    and/or self-recrimination — leading them to feel dumb and depressed-isolated.
    As a result, one can only wonder just how many potential creative geniuses
    — how many Einstein’s and Da Vinci’s — have been stigmatized
    and pushed aside?
    An inspiring sample of some self-compensated famous and successful dyslexics
    Pablo Picasso
    Tom Cruise
    Richard Branson
    Leonard Da Vinci
    Thomas Edison
    Jay Leno
    Whoopi Goldberg
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    Dr. Baruj Benacerraff
    Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology
    Michael Faraday
    Early 19th Century Scientist
    Henry Ford
    Introduced Ford Motor assembly line
    Galilee Galileo
    Scientist/ Early Astronomer in Italy
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    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    Nude Is Not Lewd

    Many women worry that nudity might be mistaken for availability. Many men worry that nudity might become too stimulating.
    People worry too much. Nothing is more natural than the naked body. Throw of those old duds and get yourself a proper tan next summer! Feel the wind under your...wings! *LOL* Nudity is cool and it lessens the laundry load too. Be natural, be brave, be stark raving nude once in a while! It's very liberating. Oh... and if your American? Don't fret.
    Being unclothed is not illegal on Federal lands, says the National Park Service. It is one of our Constitutional rights according to a federal court decision (Williams vs Hathaway 400F Supp.122 {D.Mass.1975})
    The law says it's okay, God says it's okay....chuck it!! There's no excuse!!

    Clip Song *giggle*

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    Many people have been brought up taught that nudity is immoral and we should never
    allow others to see our true bodies. It is alright to titillate with provocative
    clothing, or tiny beach wear, but not to show the natural beauty of our bodies,
    especially genitals or women's breasts.

    This sense of shame is not inborn: it is learned. Babies have no shame and neither
    did many early Christians in Biblical times.
    when first exposed to this experience it becomes much less
    sexual and more naturally enjoyable
    Nudity can be sexual if consenting persons
    wish it to be and in appropriate settings, but it is not necessary to progress from
    nudity to sexual activity.

    Naturism is commonly accepted in much of Europe, where it has been shown that sexual
    attitudes are much more healthy, with less sexual abuse and violence.
    In Europe
    a great deal of success raising well adjusted

    We are living in a society in which sexuality is very distorted.
    nothing more beautiful and dignified than the human body
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    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    Study: Autism linked to Rare Gene Change

    The genetic variation, while rare, is a characteristic that can be detected to assist in the diagnosis, and further understand the way the condition of autism develops. The locations and functions of such genes, can shed light on the way they affect the thinking of someone diagnosed with Autism, and help determine the right combinations of genetic, pharmaceutical, and cognitive therapies.
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    A rare genetic variation dramatically raises the risk of developing autism, a large study showed, opening new research targets for better understanding the disorder and for treating it

    Research into the causes of autism has focused on genetic causes because so many families have multiple children with the disorder. Thus far, only about 10 percent of autism cases have a known genetic cause. Boston-area researchers estimate the gene glitch they've identified accounts for another 1 percent of cases
    They found a segment of a chromosome which has genes linked to brain development and various developmental disorders was either missing
    or duplicated far more often in autistic people. The defect was inherited in some cases, but more often the result of a random genetic accident
    results from the Autism Consortium study
    confirm those of smaller studies by U.S. and Canadian research groups
    The consortium verified its findings by checking two other DNA databases
    They really did nail it
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    Sense of Smell and Mental Health

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    Depression May Affect Smell

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    PerfumeCan’t smell the roses? Maybe you’re depressed, say researchers from Tel Aviv University. Scientists recently linked depression to a biological mechanism that affects the olfactory glands.
    It might explain why some women, without realizing it, wear too much perfume.

    “We also believe that depression has biological roots and may be an immune system response to certain physiological cues.”

    Scientists today widely accept the fact that people with Alzheimer’s disease lose their sense of smell. Prof. Shoenfeld’s research is the first that links depression to smell in lupus patients, however.

    “There may be an organic cause to these disorders, and if this is the case, clinicians might have to change their attitude about current therapies they use,” Prof. Shoenfeld says.

    “I think that science is able to show that aromatherapy might not be just for quacks. After all, some of these remedies have been used since the time of the Egyptians to treat organic diseases.”

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    A Drink A Day For Longer Life

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    A drink a day for a longer life: study

    LONDON (Reuters) - Drinking is healthy, exercise is healthy, and doing a little of both is even healthier, Danish researchers reported on Wednesday.

    People who neither drink nor exercise have a 30 to 49 percent higher risk of heart disease than people who do one or both of the activities, the researchers said in the European Heart Journal.

    "The main finding is there seems to be an additional beneficial effect of drinking one to two drinks per day and doing at least moderate physical activity," said Morten Gronbaek of the University of Southern Denmark, who led the study.

    Several major studies have found that light to moderate drinking -- up to two drinks a day on a regular basis -- is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, and some have also found this leads to a lower risk of some cancers.

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