Thursday, May 7, 2009

Researchers Discover Common Antibiotic Can Cure Genetic Diseases

reading the RNA, resulting in an incomplete and non-functional protein being created

Since releasing the news of the new compound, called NB54, based on the common antibiotic gentamicin, Baasov has been flooded with queries from investigators all over the globe excited to test it, he tells ISRAEL21c. The findings were published online in March in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Gentamicin is from a group of antibiotics known as aminoglycosides, which are used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections. It is commonly used to treat enlarged prostate glands, chest infections, urinary tract infections and infected wounds or burns. Previous studies find gentamicin can work to counteract genetic diseases when mutations cause disruptions of the development processes of proteins

Compound working in cystic fibrosis

The drug enables ribosomes, which carry out protein synthesis, to ignore these genetic disruptions and generate healthy, full-length functional proteins in
Linda Sue O'Grady
alerted me to this.  I just showed it to MoSup and she went
nuts, which tells me there's something to it.  Think of the
irony if this research leads to repairing the Muslim DNA strands that make them
want to kill everyone who won't do their bidding (which drug should
also work on liberal democrats)?
Israeli research finds common
antibiotic can repair genetic diseases
are no doubt the wonder drug of the 20th century. Before them, people
could die from simple bacterial infections. Now, new groundbreaking
research from Israel shows that a common antibiotic has the power to
repair genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, cancer and muscular
The Israeli team headed by Prof. Timor Baasov of the Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology, has modified a common antibiotic, one
without toxic effects, and which is programmed to fix "nonsense"
mutations in genetic diseases. Nonsense mutations are mutations in a
sequence of DNA which causes it to prematurely stop
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