Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Confessions of a pharmacist

clipped from www.naturalnews.com

Confessions of a pharmacist: What Big Pharma Won't Tell You about Prescription Drug Safety (Book Review)

January 06, 2009 by: Mike Adams
(NaturalNews) Pharmacists are walking encyclopedias of knowledge about the dangers of drugs, but most of them follow a pro-Pharma agenda, so they never reveal the deadly truth about how dangerous these drugs can really be to your health.
There's only one pharmacist I've ever met who dares to think outside the Big Pharma pill box and tell patients the truth about how they can avoid the dangerous side effects of drugs and even learn how to replace dangerous prescription drugs with safe, natural and far more affordable health supplements.
Her name? Suzy Cohen. She's the author of the new book Drug Muggers, published directly by Truth Publishing at: http://www.truthpublishing.com/product_...
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