Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ringing of the Ears

clipped from

Ringing of the Ears 

A ringing of the ears may be a very common condition but most people do not easily recognize it as a problem especially during the onset of the condition. The person who experiences a mild ringing of the ears usually ignores the symptom that they have, as it does not really bother them at all.
There are cases of a ringing of the ears, which are just temporary since it is caused only by a temporary partial hearing obstruction which can give a person a temporary partial hearing loss and which would cause the ringing of the ears. A very classic example of a partial hearing obstruction is one that is caused by impacted earwax. There are some people who ignore the problem that impacted earwax can bring to one's hearing and they fail to clean their ears regularly, causing the earwax to be deposited in the ears and be impacted.
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