Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Freedom-Seekers America ignores

Sauce for the sectarian foreign goose but NOT the native gander fed on the greed of the American Imperialist continually seeking conflict abroad!

Zionist say, what we have we hold at the end of the barrel of the biggest guns that the US can supply to test to keep its arms industry moguls happy while the US goes down the tubes.

Amplify’d from www.salon.com

The freedom-seekers America ignores

With Washington's bipartisan blessing, Israel is sabotaging a Palestinian plea for U.N. recognition

The freedom-seekers America ignores

Once again Israel is doing its utmost to block Palestinian aspirations for self-determination, unleashing its diplomats in order to obstruct Palestinian efforts to secure some semblance of statehood and freedom at the United Nations this September. Meanwhile, the U.S. and other powers have nothing meaningful to add to this debate except to support Israel's sabotage. Such a predicament is nothing new for the Palestinians.

One of many constants in the Middle East over nearly a century, in fact, is the denial of the Palestinian people's desire for statehood and independence. The current Israeli opposition to the PLO's effort to obtain United Nations recognition of a Palestinian state is but the latest iteration of longstanding obstruction of the Palestinian search for statehood, self-determination and recognition.

Like so much else in the modern Middle East, this obstruction started with Britain, which controlled Palestine from 1917 until 1948, and which never fully accepted that the Palestinian Arabs were a people entitled to statehood in their own land. The 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, hand-crafted by the British to suit their own desiderata, and repeating the wording of the 1917 Balfour Declaration, explicitly recognized a "Jewish people" who were entitled to a "national home" in Palestine. While the Palestinians formed over 90 percent of the population, their existence and their national and political rights were never mentioned in this document, which formed the basis for British rule of the country. Even when the British offered "concessions," these always involved Palestinian acceptance of superior rights for another people in what Palestinians considered their homeland.

Read more at www.salon.com